Externalization of the Money Masters
Mark Carney, a high priest of the global transformation, succeeds Justin Trudeau as Canadian Prime Minister
According to the neo-theosophical teachings of Alice A. Bailey (in the book Externalisation of the Hierarchy) the spiritual hierarchy (the “Masters of Wisdom”) will start to externalize on the world scene in 2025 to install a new world order.
As I write in my latest book Temple of Solomon , the Masters of this “spiritual” hierarchy have a remarkably close connection to the old geopolitical goals of the Anglo-Saxon Roundtable Group when it comes to creating a system of world governance, and the current 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Masters are said to be a highly competent group, organized into departments, to oversee and subtly guide the spiritual evolution on humanity. However, for an organisation and hierarchy ostensibly focused on consciousness, there is a surprising interest and involvement in the mundane top-level political and economic affairs on this planet.
The following description of the “Work of the Hierarchy” comes from Bailey’s organisation Lucis Trust:
The Masters are a worldwide group of executives, adept and skilled in the various fields of work in the modern world, organised into a close network of communication throughout the world, with representatives in all nations, both east and west, and working in the closest co-operation. All large organisations are replicas of this Hierarchical pattern, reflected in a chairman of the board, a board of directors, officers, committees, and liaison officers between the organisation as a whole and the general public. (Work of the Hierarchy)
This description could almost have been taken from World Economic Forum. As Lucis Trust writes about WEF in connection with their World Goodwill project Cycle of Conferences:
As the International Organization for Public–Private Cooperation, the World Economic Forum brings together the world’s foremost CEOs, heads of state, ministers and policy-makers, experts and academics, international organizations, youth, technology innovators and representatives of civil society in an impartial space with the aim of driving positive change.
The Cycle of Conferences use group meditation to “invoke energies of divine will” to WEFs annual meetings: “affirming the role they are playing in what WEF founder Klaus Schwab has referred to as ‘a societal revolution that has the power to elevate humanity – or indeed to fracture it’…”
“The Tibetan” Djwahl Kuhl (who telepathically dictated 24 books to Bailey) noted that it was “essential that all aspirants and disciples throw the weight of their spiritual development and the light of their souls on the side of the Forces attempting to plan for the good of humanity, and who regard the welfare of the whole as of far greater importance than any national situation or demand.”
And maybe the “invocation” has succeeded?
With the (s)election of banker Mark Carney as the new Canadian prime minister, one of the real masters of world power has taken a seat in the political game. His resumé shows a man with connections to almost all the important power hubs in the world. He started his career as a Goldman Sachs executive, he has been chairman of the Roundtable front group Chatham House since 2024, board trustee of World Economic Forum, governor of Bank of Canada and Bank of England, chairman of the elite banking organisation Group of 30, chairman of the Bank for International Settlements Committee on the Global Financial System, member of the Trilateral Commission, frequent Bilderberg-attendee, and the UN Climate Envoy. A super banker and a climate tzar! You could almost say that he has stepped down from the real seat of power.
His mission is now to counter the economic threats from “the apprentice” Donald Trump. Another actor on the world stage, who has the mission to wreck the old system.
The show must go on! They both have their roles in the construction of the new artificial “temple” with a group consciousness (hive mind).
Read more about Lucis Trust and their connection to world politics in my latest book Temple of Solomon. Purchase from Pharos webshop.
I wonder if Trump poses actual “economic threats” or if his job is to convince his populist base (and populists the world over) that “his” administration is opposed to globalism etc. when in fact they are all part of the same power network - Steve Bannon, Elon Musk, all the technocrats controlling this iteration of American “democracy” are more likely than not working hand in hand w the likes of Carney to bring about their world government even faster than we think.
Mark Carnage. Ooops. Sorry! Mark Carney. Who the public didn't actually vote for is now Prime Minister?