As they get more desperate the pathocrats will call attention to their invented emergencies which will invite more scrutiny and further weaken their position, until they have nothing much left except an appeal to trust them, at which point some of their minions will begin to scurry to safety and divulge a lot of damaging inside information. Then the rest of the public, at least the ones who can read or follow discussions, will give up on them. Then people will begin to stir and demonstrations will begin in earnest for the first time in 5 years. Then nobody will remember wearing masks, believing injections were safe or believing that we were boiling the planet.

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Didn't BBC do a documentary around 2009 on global warming being a big fat hoax?

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The Great Global Warming Swindle


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Excellent. Thanks.

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Where are the Nordangard males we need and they are trying to wipe out? They are there but asleep. We need to wake them.

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Imagine how quickly the veil can be dropped on these barbarians when people realise that 10% of the population that steals, hordes 76% of the wealth and are the biggest polluters and resource suckers are directing the control of how to save the planet from the people they loot from and poison?

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Harfang67: Fantastic Jacob; taken notes of your input on two time-fronts: (1’25’’->1’36’’) and ( 1’37’’->1’44’’). Looking forward to reading your next books "The Global Coup d'État" and the "The World Brain". Being rather technical, this latest one is strongluy capturing my interest. Thanks again.

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Libido boost, hum, could be dangerous for horny me, and perhaps even more dangerous for others.

About the oil industry, even if it’s not impacting the weather, it is sucking the blood of our most important thing, our planet.

The oil industry is also the chemical industry which in turn runs the insane medical industry.

Would be nice if you, which are so knowledgeable about the rockafeller scams, would write something about its influence and for the many, “hidden ties” inside the medical industry, the UN and the who.

About the Green Party I agree, also here in Finland they are insane.

When they did came to power here, beside building more nuclear reactors, they cut down more forest and even tried to cut down city parks.

And yes, they seems to be run by brainwashed technocrats which believe in global dimming and population reduction.

tragic also the options given to the American people force to choose between the supposed lesser of an evil between the so called dem, rep, and green.

About energy, the elephant in the room is called “hydrogen”, its the most available source of energy and anyone can produce it from water.

Eugenics seems also to be the biggest elephant in the room, as normal people have no idea what it means and what goes through the minds of their supposedly elected leaders.

To be noted also that Sweden is also the last country in Europe which outlawed sterilization and lobotomy, if I not mistaking in the 70s.

Here a personal insite on eugenics if you can survive my typos.


About geoengineering, they started in the thirties, first to make clouds to protect cities from bombardment, “the Brits also used it on London”, the technology became a military secret and everyone studying it or using it like “ WIlhelm Reich “ with his cloudbuster, and everyone trying to restart his project since got arrested or disappeared.

Anyhow very nice interview, thx for sharing

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Excellent interview, learned a lot once again from you!

We just experienced one of those "trigger events" again here where I am in Austria, á la Special Studies Project as you mentioned. There were three days of sudden and unseasonably cold weather following days of warmth and pleasantness. The trees all still with their green leaves and winter arrived for just the weekend. For God's sake, has to be Climate Change. The timing perfect right before the upcoming UN Summit for the Future...


It is all maddening.

But glad you have your rock band!

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