most valuable work here documented to roll back the curtain and bring into public domain many of the organizations and eminent persons who have been diligently addressing global issues. Nordangard doesn't hide his skepticism about motives but it remains to be seen if his conclusions are correct.. I too am looking for the clues that suggest that the elites are doing all this humanitarian work towards a governable global future for pernicious reasons, in fact to secure a future for the elites alone. But even if I find enough clues, ie statements in writing or on camera, from some, it still does not mean that the bulk of the efforts are nefarious, and not wellmeaning; there will be embedded sociopaths with their own agendas, attempting to subvert the good intentions. Like in magic acts, you succeed by distracting your audience from what is really going on, to pull rabbits out of hats.

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Brilliant comprehensive research and analysis as usual from Dr. Nordangard. We are all very indebted to your work. I wonder what the new Macrostrategy Research Initiative will promulgate? More of the same, no doubt. Looking at Bostrom and Rockström's faces, it is really striking how bloodless and cold-hearted they are in a kind of maniacally prohibitive, super repressed sort of way. Reminds me of certain characters and themes from Ingmar Bergman's films. Strange how influential a role Sweden seems to be playing in attempts to finalize a New World Order. Thanks again for unearthing all this for us.

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amazing work as usual.

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Don't trust those who philosophize for others, not for themselves.

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