Carbon dioxide has minimal bearing on climate change but is an excellent metric for taxation and controlling the means of production. This is Carbon Communism or Carbon Neofascist Technocracy. China is a Neofascist Technocratic State with Communist window dressing. China was the proof of concept for the World Control System.
Right about China. Where are the vast majority of the fortune 500 now headquartered?
Eastern Europe was also a test run for their plans. Controlling a population by fear, linking being silent/complicit with earnings/school access. Take an Eastern Europe friend out for coffee, they have noticed for many years the changes made in the "free" west for decades.
I read Engdahl's book Century of War years ago--time for a reread I suppose-- and your book Rockefeller, Controlling the Game. It's still not completely clear to me why the RBF and oil cartel pushed the environmental and green movements against their apparent fundamental business interests unless at the root these entities are technocrats in sheep's clothing and who have also adopted eugenics as an imperative necessity to cement global dominance and population control.
We need carbon for plants to grow and thrive. That is the food system that supports all life. The plants give off oxygen and that is a symbiotic relationship between humans, animals, and plants that God created.
The globalists are an anti-human death cult. (which leads me to believe they are not human, as they are working to destroy all life with their zero carbon scam)
I wish you could convince Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web (but not the internet), and still a quite powerful voice in the future of the internet, and his brother Mike of your views. The web is important for the future and if it can be pried away from technocrats then we will all be a lot better off.
I saved this from 2020. I had no idea what was coming, I was just as skeptical of the pharmaceutical complex as my parents and didn't allow the injection of my kids with unknown substances.
How much life has changed and now makes sense when these realities are revealed
They are weaponized for demoralization as are the lies, but how are we to go forward if all of our reality tunnels are spoon fed, as opposed to experienced
COPIED I wrote a letter and informed the World Medical Association and have received an answer. My moral responsibility as a doctor to inform is completed. As is my days as a whistleblower. My work to inform the world about the harmful strategy of Sweden has now come to an end. Link to WORD: Link to PDF Link to answer from WMA: My full text to WMA:Illegal euthanasia implemented via Sweden´s official Covid-19 strategies, and the resulting consequences needing urgent WMA interventionDr Jon Tallinger Kristinebergsgatan 11 575 39 Eksjö Sweden. +46738092974 8 July 2020Dr Miguel R. Jorge (President)Dr David Barbe (President Elect)Dr Andreas Rudkjøbing (Chair of the Ethics Committee) All Leaders & Council Members of World Medical Association13, ch. du LevantCIB – Bâtiment A01210 Ferney-VoltaireFrance Official Sweden Covid-19 directives of senicide force Illegal Euthanasia on vulnerable elderly; doctors compromised Dear fellow medical colleagues, I am a 50-year-old specialist i allmänmedicin (general practitioner in Sweden with specific responsibilities) urgently appealing to the World Medical Association to officially approach the government of Sweden and make them accountable to my fellow medical colleagues in Sweden and worldwide, regarding a lack of ethics in 4 important issues which completely violate the Hippocratic Oath, Declaration of Helsinki and a declaration adopted at the 70th WMA General Assembly in Georgia during October 2019 against Euthanasia & Physician-Assisted Suicide: 1) Official directives specifically focus on elderly in nursing homes and deny them oxygen and basic medical attention such as being sent to hospitals, but are remotely prescribed Morphine and Midazolam if they are infected with SARS-CoV-2 without actual examinations while withholding information about official directives affecting the elderly. This results in disregarding the wishes of their loves ones who eventually wind up with the anguish of losing their parent(s). 2) Questioning and insisting on making public the statistics rendered confidential and not available to the Swedish public during this period of the pandemic, which definitely affects Sweden’s official approach on issues such as the extent of insufficient PPE, insufficient medical equipment including drugs for treating pneumonia, insufficient hospital beds, purchasing of testing reagents for Covid-19 tests, and withholding the journals of the elderly in nursing homes containing information to confirm unethical decisions and actions killing the elderly. 3) Sweden’s official strategies are justified by state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. He has been wrong on too many occasions while refusing to provide necessary science to justify his experimental approach for months, and his pattern of consistent errors for months has made me question whether he understands the responsibilities and ethics of being an epidemiologist in public health. I can only conclude that Sweden’s official approach is forcing more than 10 million lives in Sweden to experience an ongoing process of herd immunity without a vaccine. 4) Swedish doctors being forced to obey official directives going against fundamental medical ethics as doctors while officially disregarding the lives and basic rights of patients and inflicting inhumane human rights violations, or being reported and then penalised if failing to adhere to such official directives, while the creators of such inhumane directives are still unidenti
I'm reading your book now and wonder if you've seen this on the secret purpose of the green climate agenda, claiming its really about stopping competing countries or people from gaining wealth and political power from their use of oil and gas: To Agenda 2030 and Beyond at
The truth is, the world will NEVER, run out of oil, it is a replenishable earthly process with sums so vast beneath the earth, no size polulation could ever possibly deplete it.
A fantastic post, showing the many clandestine campaigns of the last 30 years, carefully constructed and molded by the think-tanks, from apparent opposition parties to the globalist sides of the fence.
It all leads to a surveillance and cashless society outcome.
We must not only think outside the box, we must smash the dielectic container completely.
I am presently doing research on the concept of self-replenishing oil and abiotic oil, but can't seem to find many resources on the subject. Since so little information seems to be available on this subject I will remain sceptical of it - are you able to assist with quality resources (books, academic papers, documentaries, etc)?
The reality is that global oil discoveries have been on a plateau for several years since 2018. This is a subject that experts in the energy sector is well aware of. Moreover, shale-oil and tar-sands are on a decline too. This whole drive for a transition to renewable energies is a desperate attempt to keep the whole system going in the face of the reality that the plateau in oil discoveries (and production) is about to turn into a decline, meaning the global fossil-fuel-based industrial civilisation is about to experience declining growth and economic contraction.
The issue is that so many people are convinced the peak-oil is a scam that they don't properly research the possibility of the world actually having arrived at peak-oil.
Does oil "replenish" itseft, and is there indeed a scarcity of it....
Well, lets , for the moment, assume we live on a globe at a radius of approx 6000km......
volume of a sphere is 4/3 π r cubed
4/3 x 3.142 x (6000x6000x6000) km
4/3 x 678,672,000,000 =
so nearly 900 billion cubed km's of potential oil reserves!
on a phone so calcs maybe way off 😂
lets say there's 9 billion people, thats a staggering 100 cubed km's per person.....
To put it into perspective...
lets say we have a a slab of earth 1 meter high (not 100 km) high.....
100x1000= 100,000....
So we would each have an potential earth block of 1m (high) x 100,000km(width) x100,000km(length) of earth,
to find oil in......🤯.
The sheer volume of the earth, when calculated, (can't do it on my phone!) suggests it is highly unlikely that we will "run out" of oil.
Due to the fact the deepest hole "officially" drilled is only 20km, it means we've only "scratched the surface" of the depths we can drill to obtain undergroud reserves which contain oil.
This deduction alone, gives clues to the nonesense of scarcity.
Now many learned people now understand oil has nothing to do with "fossils".....
So what actually makes oil is the next question......
Now , lets go the other way, for fun, lets say we live in an enclosed flat plane , of unknown dimensions, then again, scarcity becomes very unlikely.
Back to the Globe "model".
7/10ths of the known Earth is covered by vast oceans barely chartered which would mean, plenty more oil to be discovered.
Then we have another 10th of mountainous terrain, that hasn't been geographically surveyed for oil......
So that leaves all scarcity oil predictions are based on a maximum of 2/10ths of the land mass surveyed for oil......
Then we have the depth to account for, which adds another at least 100 times multipiler for the 8/10ths undicovered.
Based on these observations alone, the answer is a profound NO to there being an exhaustible and scarcity of oil.
This , also, is based on current technology for aquiring oil, which will increase as technology does.....
The scarcity of oil, is a control mechanism for energy distribution.
Like a transmissible isolated virus, it is a myth, brought to you by the rockefella education program.
A pleasure to read of one man's journey from leftist to rightist. Millions of us have our own story of this pilgrimage. Thanks for sharing yours Jacob. It's also an encouragement for me to share my own.
Pretty dark hardcore shit Jacob, not too bad, remastering needed. Conspiracy theorist, isn’t it funny how after 2020 conspiracy theories became conspiracy facts?
About the greens, the ,
Last time they got voted in Finland they built more nuclear reactors, and chopped down some of the oldest trees in Helsinki.
Ho and took away more parks in the cities.
About the all wokadelik, climate change sham, feminist, communist, black life matter and co , they are all sponsored by the same blob “sorros”.
Worth researching also his influence in Bruxelles and Strasbourg, where he said to be the one choosing among other, the judges for the Court of Human Rights.
I guess everyone at some stage believed in something which turned out to be false.
Wisdom comes with time, what is most important for growth is the ability to accept our faults and mistakes and change our mind and behavior to win our destiny, as remaining stuck in the illusion surrenders it to those who we despise and which indeed, want to see everyone who is not a member of their club dead.
Success with your book and music. Rock on!
Here something for those who like to talk about conspiracy theories verse conspiracy fact.
Excellent personal and 'global' account. But re "peak oil": are you not now familiar with the telling theory expressed in Thomas Gold's 'The Deep Hot Biosphere'?
LOL, sounds like he can't make up his mind what he believes about climate change . The minute change that is possibly due to Human activities will not prevent warming. Millions of years ago the earth was a hell of a lot warmer than today and it will be sometime in the future again. The scammers do not give a S about the climate ! It's all about how much $ they can try to scam from stupid people who believe their crappola.
Jacob I was the reader that informed you about the open letter. Unfortunately I didn't take notes of your reply to me. I should have! Would you allow me to view it again?
If you haven't watched Dr Steven Greer's inspirational, transformational documentary entitled The Lost Century please do it now. It's an informative, exploration of the financial, scientific and political corruption that has kept humanity bound to a course of self-destruction. A sense of urgency builds throughout the presentation which is resolved in the hopeful conclusion that portrays the beautiful recovery of our planet and the unlimited possibilities of liberty and happiness that await us if we act now.
There is a screenshot after the part about the 2019 agreement between the UN and the World Economic Forum. Right after you write "A group of NGOs rightfully criticised this", the screenshot shows this text:
"this will de-legitimize The UN".
It is the opposite. The UN is the center and anchor of The NWO.
Carbon dioxide has minimal bearing on climate change but is an excellent metric for taxation and controlling the means of production. This is Carbon Communism or Carbon Neofascist Technocracy. China is a Neofascist Technocratic State with Communist window dressing. China was the proof of concept for the World Control System.
Right about China. Where are the vast majority of the fortune 500 now headquartered?
Eastern Europe was also a test run for their plans. Controlling a population by fear, linking being silent/complicit with earnings/school access. Take an Eastern Europe friend out for coffee, they have noticed for many years the changes made in the "free" west for decades.
Are you planning on releasing an English language version of the Temple of Solomon? Many of us who appreciate your work would love to purchase that.
The original edition is written in English.!/english/products/temple-of-solomon
Thank you! Hopefully it will be listed on Amazon.
It is a limited edition only available directly from me (my company Pharos Media).
Long may it remain so, Jacob.
While greater publicity will follow Amazon listing, I can’t bear the contact with such horrible people.
Best wishes and god bless you,
Thanks Mike.
I read Engdahl's book Century of War years ago--time for a reread I suppose-- and your book Rockefeller, Controlling the Game. It's still not completely clear to me why the RBF and oil cartel pushed the environmental and green movements against their apparent fundamental business interests unless at the root these entities are technocrats in sheep's clothing and who have also adopted eugenics as an imperative necessity to cement global dominance and population control.
...because we will be under technocratic lockdown, geo-fenced with 5G, 6G before they reveal the new energy system they have been shelving.
We need carbon for plants to grow and thrive. That is the food system that supports all life. The plants give off oxygen and that is a symbiotic relationship between humans, animals, and plants that God created.
The globalists are an anti-human death cult. (which leads me to believe they are not human, as they are working to destroy all life with their zero carbon scam)
I wish you could convince Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web (but not the internet), and still a quite powerful voice in the future of the internet, and his brother Mike of your views. The web is important for the future and if it can be pried away from technocrats then we will all be a lot better off.
He’ll be fully WEF’d to the wazoo.
You don’t get to be prominent if you have not signed on the dotted line.
No exceptions.
They don’t need to tolerate any dissent & they don’t.
I saved this from 2020. I had no idea what was coming, I was just as skeptical of the pharmaceutical complex as my parents and didn't allow the injection of my kids with unknown substances.
How much life has changed and now makes sense when these realities are revealed
They are weaponized for demoralization as are the lies, but how are we to go forward if all of our reality tunnels are spoon fed, as opposed to experienced
COPIED I wrote a letter and informed the World Medical Association and have received an answer. My moral responsibility as a doctor to inform is completed. As is my days as a whistleblower. My work to inform the world about the harmful strategy of Sweden has now come to an end. Link to WORD: Link to PDF Link to answer from WMA: My full text to WMA:Illegal euthanasia implemented via Sweden´s official Covid-19 strategies, and the resulting consequences needing urgent WMA interventionDr Jon Tallinger Kristinebergsgatan 11 575 39 Eksjö Sweden. +46738092974 8 July 2020Dr Miguel R. Jorge (President)Dr David Barbe (President Elect)Dr Andreas Rudkjøbing (Chair of the Ethics Committee) All Leaders & Council Members of World Medical Association13, ch. du LevantCIB – Bâtiment A01210 Ferney-VoltaireFrance Official Sweden Covid-19 directives of senicide force Illegal Euthanasia on vulnerable elderly; doctors compromised Dear fellow medical colleagues, I am a 50-year-old specialist i allmänmedicin (general practitioner in Sweden with specific responsibilities) urgently appealing to the World Medical Association to officially approach the government of Sweden and make them accountable to my fellow medical colleagues in Sweden and worldwide, regarding a lack of ethics in 4 important issues which completely violate the Hippocratic Oath, Declaration of Helsinki and a declaration adopted at the 70th WMA General Assembly in Georgia during October 2019 against Euthanasia & Physician-Assisted Suicide: 1) Official directives specifically focus on elderly in nursing homes and deny them oxygen and basic medical attention such as being sent to hospitals, but are remotely prescribed Morphine and Midazolam if they are infected with SARS-CoV-2 without actual examinations while withholding information about official directives affecting the elderly. This results in disregarding the wishes of their loves ones who eventually wind up with the anguish of losing their parent(s). 2) Questioning and insisting on making public the statistics rendered confidential and not available to the Swedish public during this period of the pandemic, which definitely affects Sweden’s official approach on issues such as the extent of insufficient PPE, insufficient medical equipment including drugs for treating pneumonia, insufficient hospital beds, purchasing of testing reagents for Covid-19 tests, and withholding the journals of the elderly in nursing homes containing information to confirm unethical decisions and actions killing the elderly. 3) Sweden’s official strategies are justified by state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. He has been wrong on too many occasions while refusing to provide necessary science to justify his experimental approach for months, and his pattern of consistent errors for months has made me question whether he understands the responsibilities and ethics of being an epidemiologist in public health. I can only conclude that Sweden’s official approach is forcing more than 10 million lives in Sweden to experience an ongoing process of herd immunity without a vaccine. 4) Swedish doctors being forced to obey official directives going against fundamental medical ethics as doctors while officially disregarding the lives and basic rights of patients and inflicting inhumane human rights violations, or being reported and then penalised if failing to adhere to such official directives, while the creators of such inhumane directives are still unidenti
There was no pandemic.
There was no new illness.
There have never been any pandemics.
This is all long run fakery.
Many people were deliberately killed in hospitals and care homes.
Many people were told they had a non existent illness based on a deliberately faulty diagnostic test (PCR based)
Enormous numbers of people were injured or killed by intentionally toxic injections.
I’m highly qualified to arrive at these judgements.
"intentionally toxic" sounds like intended to depopulate
I'm reading your book now and wonder if you've seen this on the secret purpose of the green climate agenda, claiming its really about stopping competing countries or people from gaining wealth and political power from their use of oil and gas: To Agenda 2030 and Beyond at
The truth is, the world will NEVER, run out of oil, it is a replenishable earthly process with sums so vast beneath the earth, no size polulation could ever possibly deplete it.
A fantastic post, showing the many clandestine campaigns of the last 30 years, carefully constructed and molded by the think-tanks, from apparent opposition parties to the globalist sides of the fence.
It all leads to a surveillance and cashless society outcome.
We must not only think outside the box, we must smash the dielectic container completely.
Keep Rockin'
I am presently doing research on the concept of self-replenishing oil and abiotic oil, but can't seem to find many resources on the subject. Since so little information seems to be available on this subject I will remain sceptical of it - are you able to assist with quality resources (books, academic papers, documentaries, etc)?
The reality is that global oil discoveries have been on a plateau for several years since 2018. This is a subject that experts in the energy sector is well aware of. Moreover, shale-oil and tar-sands are on a decline too. This whole drive for a transition to renewable energies is a desperate attempt to keep the whole system going in the face of the reality that the plateau in oil discoveries (and production) is about to turn into a decline, meaning the global fossil-fuel-based industrial civilisation is about to experience declining growth and economic contraction.
The issue is that so many people are convinced the peak-oil is a scam that they don't properly research the possibility of the world actually having arrived at peak-oil.
Ok, it's an interestung topic. 👍
Does oil "replenish" itseft, and is there indeed a scarcity of it....
Well, lets , for the moment, assume we live on a globe at a radius of approx 6000km......
volume of a sphere is 4/3 π r cubed
4/3 x 3.142 x (6000x6000x6000) km
4/3 x 678,672,000,000 =
so nearly 900 billion cubed km's of potential oil reserves!
on a phone so calcs maybe way off 😂
lets say there's 9 billion people, thats a staggering 100 cubed km's per person.....
To put it into perspective...
lets say we have a a slab of earth 1 meter high (not 100 km) high.....
100x1000= 100,000....
So we would each have an potential earth block of 1m (high) x 100,000km(width) x100,000km(length) of earth,
to find oil in......🤯.
The sheer volume of the earth, when calculated, (can't do it on my phone!) suggests it is highly unlikely that we will "run out" of oil.
Due to the fact the deepest hole "officially" drilled is only 20km, it means we've only "scratched the surface" of the depths we can drill to obtain undergroud reserves which contain oil.
This deduction alone, gives clues to the nonesense of scarcity.
Now many learned people now understand oil has nothing to do with "fossils".....
So what actually makes oil is the next question......
Now , lets go the other way, for fun, lets say we live in an enclosed flat plane , of unknown dimensions, then again, scarcity becomes very unlikely.
Back to the Globe "model".
7/10ths of the known Earth is covered by vast oceans barely chartered which would mean, plenty more oil to be discovered.
Then we have another 10th of mountainous terrain, that hasn't been geographically surveyed for oil......
So that leaves all scarcity oil predictions are based on a maximum of 2/10ths of the land mass surveyed for oil......
Then we have the depth to account for, which adds another at least 100 times multipiler for the 8/10ths undicovered.
Based on these observations alone, the answer is a profound NO to there being an exhaustible and scarcity of oil.
This , also, is based on current technology for aquiring oil, which will increase as technology does.....
The scarcity of oil, is a control mechanism for energy distribution.
Like a transmissible isolated virus, it is a myth, brought to you by the rockefella education program.
A pleasure to read of one man's journey from leftist to rightist. Millions of us have our own story of this pilgrimage. Thanks for sharing yours Jacob. It's also an encouragement for me to share my own.
Pretty dark hardcore shit Jacob, not too bad, remastering needed. Conspiracy theorist, isn’t it funny how after 2020 conspiracy theories became conspiracy facts?
About the greens, the ,
Last time they got voted in Finland they built more nuclear reactors, and chopped down some of the oldest trees in Helsinki.
Ho and took away more parks in the cities.
About the all wokadelik, climate change sham, feminist, communist, black life matter and co , they are all sponsored by the same blob “sorros”.
Worth researching also his influence in Bruxelles and Strasbourg, where he said to be the one choosing among other, the judges for the Court of Human Rights.
I guess everyone at some stage believed in something which turned out to be false.
Wisdom comes with time, what is most important for growth is the ability to accept our faults and mistakes and change our mind and behavior to win our destiny, as remaining stuck in the illusion surrenders it to those who we despise and which indeed, want to see everyone who is not a member of their club dead.
Success with your book and music. Rock on!
Here something for those who like to talk about conspiracy theories verse conspiracy fact.
On target, on message...Continue to expose the wolves in sheep's clothing... Kman, editor, DIGILEAK WORLD -
Excellent personal and 'global' account. But re "peak oil": are you not now familiar with the telling theory expressed in Thomas Gold's 'The Deep Hot Biosphere'?
Yes, I bought the book to get the whole picture. I gradually changed my mind about Peak Oil, as the doomsday scenarios never materialized.
LOL, sounds like he can't make up his mind what he believes about climate change . The minute change that is possibly due to Human activities will not prevent warming. Millions of years ago the earth was a hell of a lot warmer than today and it will be sometime in the future again. The scammers do not give a S about the climate ! It's all about how much $ they can try to scam from stupid people who believe their crappola.
Jacob I was the reader that informed you about the open letter. Unfortunately I didn't take notes of your reply to me. I should have! Would you allow me to view it again?
Can you send it to me? My e-mail
If you haven't watched Dr Steven Greer's inspirational, transformational documentary entitled The Lost Century please do it now. It's an informative, exploration of the financial, scientific and political corruption that has kept humanity bound to a course of self-destruction. A sense of urgency builds throughout the presentation which is resolved in the hopeful conclusion that portrays the beautiful recovery of our planet and the unlimited possibilities of liberty and happiness that await us if we act now.
Please help spread this link far and wide across the internet
You are full of it. BS climate change is a $ scam and you are part of it or to stupid to know it is a scam.
Gee, thank God you told me!
There is a screenshot after the part about the 2019 agreement between the UN and the World Economic Forum. Right after you write "A group of NGOs rightfully criticised this", the screenshot shows this text:
"this will de-legitimize The UN".
It is the opposite. The UN is the center and anchor of The NWO.