Who has the power to kill the world?

Money is Power is Money.


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The comments under this video on YT are very supportive of this nonsense. This means that young people have been successfully propagandized to become slaves; they have been fearmongered that it is a moral imperative to go along with tyrannical rule. Critical thinking is going extinct.

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We were just saying the same thing!

And we are also also thinking that it's imperative we all start commenting under the YT and X comments to counterbalance the mainstream propaganda record the youth and indoctrinated are seeing everywhere! Shouldn't we warn the youth or at least try to discredit the BS?

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Ave Rockefeller, imperator imperii neo-colonialis mundi. Morituri te salutant. Sed qui vis vivere, nunquam tibi ignoscet.

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Global governance by a conscious humanity could be a good thing. The trouble is those that seek global governance are barefacedly lying to us and controlling science, education, politics and the media to embed those lies in our consciousness as 'truth'. That can't be good at all, nor ever.

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Superpowers die hard and ugly.

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Good day,

Would it be possible to have your permission to translate your article into Portuguese and publish it at libertarios.pt?

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Yes, it is possible (as long as you include a link to my Substack).

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Before it gets translated, Jacob, here are a couple of spell checks. In the line; "and their is only one institution that is global, the UN.", there is the correct spelling rather than their. And I wonder if you meant Advice rather than Advise in the title?

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Thanks for your spell check. I have now corrected it.

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I will. All credits will be given. Thank you. Will notify you here when published.

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Jul 13Edited

I bet we have been selected the next swedish prime minister. She is fond of Kier Starmer, un summit of the future, on the board of ODI-europe, went to Bilderberg in Madrid. Friend with Orback... All the signs of being seeded... m.facebook.com/annlindepolitiker

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Gobsmacked! NO words....

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This ties into Article 109 of the UN Charter too which is proposing a UN restructure in 2026 suggestive that rather than restructure they will push for a complete NWO global One World Government. Western countries and already exploited their own resources and are being kicked out of countries in Africa and elsewhere where they have raped those countries of their resources suppressed their evolution beyond poverty. It ties into the Ukraine situation where Uk is rich in lithium too that the west wants to gain control of.... It all about resources, money and power ... always.

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