not a word in the U.S. or Mexico. But I will be there this weekend reporting!

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I look forward to reading your reports from the summit. Your efforts to spread awareness are much appreciated.

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Thank you Derrick. You are one of the few investigative journalists doing important work and whom I still believe to be genuine.

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Howdy Dr. Nordangard. Guess what: german mainstream, i.e. matrix media didn't spell a single bean about this "pact for the future". That doesn't come as a surprise, of course, because that's how the matrix works. Thank you for all your great work!

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Jacob Nordangård

Nothing here in Finland.

The UN, just like the who, have completely lost credibly, and if it does not fix the mess which it has created with its own creation “israel” it will soon end up just like its other predecessor, eugenist and colonizer entity “the League of Nations “, erased.

The NAM, “ Non-Aligned Movement” on the other hand, seams to be one entity which could replace the UN, and do all of those good things which the UN was supposedly established to do, and never did.

Here something about it


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I’m very interested in this. Thank you for the link. Dr Rima’s message appears to be urgent and necessary to make public.

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Thanks Jacob - there has been a media blackout. Not a word in Australia and noone I have spoken to has any idea about what "multilateralism" is - but that may well be the intention. It does seem that without knowing it, many national governments could find themselves ensnared in new UN rules and agreements that then are implemented through groups like ICLEI - https://iclei.org/

The cunning UN bureaucrats are outsmarting us!

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This is a concomitant Post-1984 Brave New World, Animal Farm, Father, McLuhan, Island of Dr Moreau, Boys From Brazil, Consider Her Ways, I Robot, Twilight Zone Anthology, Mein Kampf, Communist Manifesto, Minority Report ,Matrix, Gattica, Logan’s Run, Soylent Green playbook.

Aldous Huxley was interviewed by Mike Wallace in 1958 and laid out in detail and exact sequence every event and distraction we’re experiencing today. He was frantic. Warning of the future he conceived in his purely fictitious, sardonic opus in 1931. Brave New World. With all the “ intellectuals” and antiques that make up our vaunted Kleptocorporate multinational monopolistic psychopathocracy and their idiocratatic pseudotheocratic counterparts, , it feels as though we’re captives in a Dalinian allegory.

Whether corrupt, captured, coerced, ccraven, cowardly or clueless, silence is complicity. May they all be microchipped, surveilled, re-engineered, impregnated with hybrid chimeric embryos, used as lab rats, enslaved in fifteen minute gulags and not be disposed of, instead forced to live in the hell they relegated us to. Without Soma., May their last meal be scorpions.

Ron Johnson, Paul Gosar, Bob Good, Robert Malone, Frank Gaffney, Meryl Nass, Harvey Risch ,David Horowitz,Leo Hohmann and Lara Logan, Matt Schlapp, Tony Perkins,Andy Biggs are among the names rallying against this atrocity publicly in DC.

Javier Milei, Bukele, Vigano, the Heritage Foundation CEO…

And the snake who crawled from under his rock? None other than Jeffrey Sachs, playing to the anti- globalists, falling for his false piety , hook, line and cement block.

‘ You will own nothing, have no privacy and love your servitude”

Who coined it? Nope, not Klaus Schwab. Aldous Huxley during a 1961 UC Berkeley speaking engagement. The students and faculty humored him.. rolling their eyes behind the eccentric once icon, now fringe old dude who was losing his faculties. No doubt he’s turning in his grave.

The world has gone so batshit mad, if Huxley attempted to speak at Berkeley today, he’d be screamed down by a Marxist/Jihadist mob and enucleated with a Hamas flagpole.

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Wow…some great descriptions here, and the curse upon them needs amplification so that eventually they will indeed receive that which they plan for the rest of us. Owning the media is their great coup against us as well as the proliferation of sheeple who are clueless.

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Nothing reported about this news in China.

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The UK mainstream media not uttering a word about it either, unsurprisingly. However, I assume Sir Keir Starmer will attend, as he's part of the "big club" as George Carlin put it once, they we ain't in! Great Post and I'll spread the word 👍

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Not a word here in Canada, but we have long since been sold off to the UN, WEF and the CPP.

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Colombia; not a whisper.

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It just so happens that Australia's Prime Minister is travelling to the USA this weekend to have discussions with US President Joe Biden about QUAD. There has been no mention in Australia about the UN's Pact for the Future. How convenient...

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Not a word in Australia. That includes the so-called alt media and 'independent' media.

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Look here but not there...

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Report from Cacanada:

No coverage by any media. Crickets from politicians. % »$)&#/;=


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Time for states to do what TN is doing. We have legislation that will create 5 pathways in which to invoke nullification each and every time the feds steps outside their delegated powers listed in Art. 1 Sec. 8. This is our last resort people. The real power is with the states not the federal government and that includes the Supreme Court. WE ARE THE CREATOR of the federal government. The created never has a higher authority over the creator unless we allow them and we have allowed them to step way outside their constitutional authority. Read Art. 1 Sec. 8 of the Constitution. Anything that is not listed there belongs to the power and authority of the states and the people of the states. And it time people woke up. Time running out folks.

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"How is the situation in your country?"

I don't follow the mainstream press unless I'm trapped in a car where I can't turn off the radio or in a public place where I can't avoid it, so I guess I don't really know.

I just came from a discussion with some family members where I tried to turn the subject to "covid" but they insisted on talking about football. My wife won't talk about it at all.

So I guess I live in this bubble, just me and the World Wide Web. Kinda scary.

Anyway, given what I've learned I think we've been in WW3 for 5 years now, its just that it looks nothing like WW2 looked, which looked nothing like WW1.

So why, when they are waging WW3 on us, would they be honest about anything? They are lying through their teeth about everything. By "them" I mean the transnational deep state controlled by the wealthiest part of the transnational ruling class, whoever they are.

C'est la guerre.

Omniwar Symposium


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I subscribe to anything by Patrick Wood. He’s very knowledgeable on this stuff and an excellent speaker.

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He said "We have yet to mount a defense" in reference to the Omniwar.

Its been 5 years, and the media, academics, lawyers, they're all silent. The media is very centralized, so that I understand. But academics and lawyers? They did nazi nothing, nothing. If they could crawl further under a rock they would.

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Are they all just so ignorant about the big stuff? Again, perhaps blinded by media. Lawyer in my family only accepts what Canadian media presents. They can be very close-minded.

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Cicero said "In times of war, the law is silent"


But why is that?

It must be systemic.

Either that or its an epidemic of cowardice.

Maybe its a distinguishing feature of WW3 that this *does not* have to be the case in this kind of war.

Maybe when people come to their senses constitutional amendments expanding civil liberties like the right of citizens to form grand juries as a check on rogue government officials, which is a right that residents of some states have now, should be adopted.

Citizen Grand Juries

The only way to stop the tyranny is to begin at the local level


We're not in Kansas anymore, are we?

Oz is the abbreviation for ounce, the standard measure used for gold.


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