More and more uneasy I become..............what can any of us do?

Voting in Sweden and protesting but will this alone change these formidable powers?

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Thank you so much for your expertise, effort and time in adding another piece into the "puzzle" of globalism and NWO !!! 💪💪👍👍

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Thank you for your great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice.

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Thanks for drawing the dotted lines for us all Jacob. It is interesting that so many connection points go through Stockholm. I wonder why this is so? We can only hope that all these folks have a high arrogance:ability ratio. If there arrogance is high enough and their ability is low enough, we have nothing to worry about!

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... and then there's apparently Stockholm syndrome!...

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Trump resisted some, and was criticized. Hardly notable since he is blamed for breathing wromg.

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Quislings all of them.

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The globalist criminals have their aims, strategy and tactics to achieve them and We The People can’t even discern the war being waged against us. Judging by the near absolute lack of fear of us it is reasonable to assume they are confident they can manage us regardless of what they do to us. KOVID was a giant test which We The People have failed. This failure is their green light to accelerate their war against us. Yes, there is some awakening, but the current velocity of this awakening is insufficient to save us. Even many people who can discern our reality seem to lack the necessary focus on the primary cause behind our crappy reality and their efforts are too easily diluted by deliberate distractions. Our focus remains on effects, not on the Cause! As long as this remains so, Criminals are justified in not fearing us.

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"Judging by the near absolute lack of fear of us it is reasonable to assume they are confident they can manage us regardless"


What was the Canadian truckers strike? Did that change the paradigm? uh yes

Long way to go but the process has begun. People see the puppet strings more clearly than ever.

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They fear a lot obviously. But one must remember what they are capable of when feeling threaten. For us, french, they managed very well : commune de paris 1871, 1914, 1940, and 'les gilets jaunes'. Being massacred time and again, we learned our lessons...

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"pay no attention to that man behind the curtain".


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Coincidentally Kier Starmer the new prime minister of the United Kingdom is a longtime member of the Trilateral Commission.

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How sick is it possible to be crises initiation, macro terrorism, triggers of general crisis and so on

Thank you will look for your books

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Rene Wormser said in an address to the University of Chicago in 1952 "...It is possible that, in fifty or a hundred years, a great part of American industry and *foundations * and a large part of the balance by insurance companies and labour unions. What eventual repercussions may come from such a development, one can only guess. It may be that we will in this manner reach some form of society similar to socialism, without consciously intending it. Or it maybe, to protect ourselves against the strictures which such concentration of power can effect, that we might have to enact legislation analogous to the Statues of Mortmain which, centuries ago, were deemed necessary in order t prevent all England's wealth from passing into the hands of the church."

In my view, the situation is far worse than this. We have international financial institutions who have awarded themselves diplomatic immunity. We have multiple "tax havens" located around the world where huge sums of wealth are hidden. We have international military war making organisations who also claim diplomatic immunity whose only purpose seems to be to create conflicts whilst they claim to be peace keepers. There are no checks and balances except in the extemporising actions of peoples to gross violations as they occur. AI is obfuscation the real hands on this out of control vehicle.

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Is it any wonder that all of the European nobility seek a One-World Global Empire where the nobility own all of the resources and the serfs will be governed by the dictates spewed out by the UN-WEF-WHO-BIS administrative Technocracy, and those dictates will be enforced by “Global NATO.”

King Charles III and his Terra Carta & Astra Carta:



Who are The Globalist Fascist Oligarchy?


A Long History of British Machinations to Control the Content and Dissemination of News and Information



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...i take profound consolation that many of these reprobrates resemble the types that mystic Emanuel Swedenborg may have visioned in hell, and wrote about in his famous tome Heaven and Hell, why, that image of the minister above portrays hellish fire that apparently emits from her, fk it, i'm sure i can hear the demonic crackling and cackling, callin a spade a spade!...(in strict terms of merely and specifically the implement!)...

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It is horrible to hear such lip service and this spicy did not look to be a coke head aka Harris, Zelensky, Jarinda etc

Thank you for a great work we have to continue until (A21/30 SDG 17) .....

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The in-depth effort by those super-financial people to try to control the whole planet can be "side-lined" in some way but putting in place an internet university-type education to allow the world population some reliable alternative knowledge source to go to. It's very important because they will certainly "control" the education that will be given through "normal" government sources. We are living in a fondamental changing world - which they do not control as they woud desire- so it's important to work with these rising powers to help put in place such an internet based university level type of training.


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